
Kodály Australia Stands Against Racism and Discrimination

Kodály Australia stands against racism and discrimination in all forms. The Black Lives Matter movement has energised important conversations and learning in the global music education community concerning systemic racism and oppression, cultural appropriation, decolonisation, and censorship of indigenous cultures. …
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SA Music Education Strategy and ISME Partnerships

I am pleased to announce that Kodály Australia has recently partnered with the South Australia Government Department for Education Music Education Strategy and the International Society for Music Education. The Music Education Strategy (MES) aspires to increase access to valued …
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2020 Kodály Australia Conference – Postponement

After close consultation with stakeholders and careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 Kodály Australia Conference until September/October 2022 to be held in Canberra, ACT. Having spent the best part of 2 years preparing for …
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Posted in National Conference

Online inspiration for you

Kodály Qld would like to share the following online resources with all Kodály Australia members. We do ask that you don’t share any of the members-only links with anyone who is not a current member – instead, encourage them to …
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2020 Kodály Australia Conference Survey

We would greatly appreciate your time in completing the short survey below on the 2020 Kodály Australia Conference.  Your thoughts and feedback are greatly appreciated and will contribute to the decision-making process as we assess the viability of running the …
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Posted in National Conference

2020 Scholarship and Award Recipient Announcement

The Kodály Australia National Council was delighted to receive impressive applications and nominations for the 2020 Deanna Hoermann Scholarship (DHS) and the Enid Scott Conference Award (ESCA). After a thorough review process, it is with great pleasure that I announce …
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2020 Kodály Australia Conference – Update

I hope this message finds you well and that the transition back to face to face teaching has been and continues to be positive for you and the children in your care. I’m writing with an update on the Kodály …
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Posted in National Conference

2020 Kodály Australia Conference & COVID-19

I trust that this message finds you and your family well and that you are staying positive amongst these challenging circumstances. The 2020 Kodály Australia Conference Spring into Song: Sustaining the Vision is scheduled to be held in Canberra from Monday 28 …
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Posted in National Conference

Connecting with you online

I hope you, your family and students are well and safe at this time. The National Council of Kodály Australia recently met and formed an organisational response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Face-to-face events The National Council has recommended …
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An important update from Kodály Australia

I write to you providing an important update from Kodály Australia. National Council 2020-2022 Recently we held the Annual General Meeting of the association and conducted elections for the National Council 2020-2022 term. I congratulate the elected Council and thank …
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