2018 Scholarship and Award Recipients

Australian Kodály Scholarship

Donna Cianciosi
Western Australia

Donna Cianciosi is Head of Music at the International School of Western Australia. She has taught students of all ages and in different contexts over the course of her career. Donna holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Western Australia and a Master in Music, majoring in Aural Pedagogy, from the University of Queensland. In 2014 Donna completed her Advanced Diploma in Choral Conducting at the Zoltán Kodály Institute of the Liszt Ferénc Academy of Music. She has presented workshops and academic papers at the KMEIA National Conference and the International Kodály Society Symposia. Donna has a special interest in the role that music plays in communicating individual and cultural identity.

Project Working Title:
Who We Are: The traditional songs of the ‘Great Southern Land’

Brief Project Overview:
As one of the central ideas of the pedagogical approach that bears his name Zoltan Kodaly believed that children should first learn the folk songs of their own cultural heritage – known as ‘the musical mother tongue’, and that it is through these traditional songs unique to every country that the skills and concepts necessary to achieve musical literacy can be taught. Due to the adult based construction of the non-indigenous traditional folk songs of Australia many teachers of early-childhood and primary school students especially find it difficult when considering this repertoire from a purely pedagogical lens. With this conundrum in mind the project aims to develop a series of curriculum units that can be implemented within a program for students within the Early Years, Primary and Lower Secondary classroom. Designed for students who have received an aural-based music education they will also explore within the conceptual lens of identity, change, communication and community the singular Australian folk song form. Within these units connections will also be made to the songs of Indigenous Australia as well as considering the historical, social and political contexts of place and time. In addition to the documents supporting materials to assist the generalist and/or music specialist teacher will be written and produced for use.

Enid Scott Conference Award

Rose Bloom
New South Wales Branch

Rose Bloom is recognised for her significant voluntary service and contribution over 20 years as a Committee Member for the Kodály Music Education Institute of Australia (KMEIA) New South Wales Branch. This includes in the position of Public Officer (2004-present), Branch Treasurer (2002-2004 and 2008-present), administering the NSW Australian Kodály Certificate Course (2008-present) and presenting workshops for teachers.

The impact of Rose’s voluntary service is immeasurable. As a member of the NSW committee, Rose has always actively and publicly promoted quality music education inspired by the Kodály philosophy. Her work has contributed to enriching the lives of educators, parents and students. She has given her time freely and considerable expertise as Treasurer, over-hauling the financial management of KMEIA NSW, and stream-lining reporting systems to more easily meet the requirements of NSW Department of Fair Trading. Rose has regularly assisted with the organisation and administration of major events including NSW AKC courses, Back to School Days, a John Feierabend tour, and the 2014 Kodály National Conference. Her outstanding attention to detail and extensive personal time has been applied to marketing materials and even included preparing delicious morning teas and lunches for Branch events. All of which have enhanced the profile of KMEIA and more broadly the quality of music education across NSW.

As a highly respected teacher at St Mark’s Primary School, lecturer at University of Notre Dame and presenter at KMEIA workshops and conferences, Rose models the generosity exemplified by Zoltán Kodály to share her practice and materials. She has volunteered hours of her time and expertise in the mentoring of new teachers. Her belief in the importance of music in the early years of a child’s life drives her commitment. These important contributions are always achieved with good grace, humour, humility, passion and sincere concern for the development of the whole person, young and old.

Rose is a wonderful example of a committed, generous and hardworking advocate for KMEIA. Her passion is contagious! Rose’s efforts have made a huge contribution to the NSW Branch and have raised awareness of KMEIA across all sectors of the NSW school system (government, independent and Catholic schools). By contributing hours of guidance and training for new committee members, along with her attention to detailed record keeping and efficient systems, Rose has followed in Enid Scott’s footsteps as an exemplary model of supporting our community and affecting positive change for the benefit of teachers and children.

Nomination by Julie Logan

Scholarships and Awards

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