Members are invited by the National Council of the Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia Incorporated (KMEIA Inc) to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Institute.
The meeting will be held as a ‘Managed Webinar’ conducted by Redback Conferencing and you are warmly invited to participate from your web-connected computer. The meeting will last approximately 30 minutes.
Date: Friday 14 March, 2014
Time: 6.30-7.00pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT)
(Commencement times: 6.30pm in NSW, VIC and ACT; 5.30pm in QLD; 6.00pm in SA and 3.30pm in WA)
The Agenda can be downloaded HERE
The Minutes of the 2013 AGM can be downloaded HERE
The President’s Report can be downloaded HERE
The Treasurer’s Statement can be downloaded HERE
The Auditor’s Report can be downloaded HERE
Please register for the Webinar HERE by 5pm Wednesday 5 March 2014.
Instructions for joining the Webinar from your computer will be sent by Redback Conferencing to those who register for the AGM.
I look forward to your participation in the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Please RSVP to the National Administrator by no later than 5pm Monday 5 March 2014.
Participation in the AGM requires participants to listen on their computer’s sound system, or through headphones attached to their computers.
ELECTION of the COUNCIL of the INSTITUTE under the current Constitution (Clauses 16-20)
The 2012 Constitution provides for the election of eight members of the 15 member Council at the AGM, and all current AGM-elected Council positions are in consequence declared vacant.
Nominations are invited for the eight elected positions on the 15 member Council. These are the office bearer positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary; and the three Ordinary Council members. These 8 Council members hold office until the AGM held in March 2016.
Note: the position of Immediate Past President is automatic.
The six Branch presidents elected in November 2013, or their nominees, will make up the remainder of the national Council. A Branch President’s nominee must be a member of the Branch committee. In addition it should be mentioned that Branch Presidents are eligible to nominate for an office bearer position. If they are elected, the Branch will be represented by the Branch President’s nominee.
A reminder about new election procedures under the revised constitution:
- If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated are taken to be elected.
- If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacant Council positions, a ballot will be held during the AGM.
- If insufficient nominations are received to fill all Council positions, the candidates nominated are taken to be elected and nominations for the remaining vacant positions are received during the meeting.
- If insufficient further nominations are received at the meeting, any vacant positions remaining on the Council are ‘casual vacancies’. When a ‘casual vacancy’ occurs (whether at the election or during the term of the Council) the Council is permitted to appoint a member of KMEIA Inc to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the two year appointment.
The NOMINATION FORM can be downloaded HERE.
Nomination forms must be submitted by Wednesday 5 March
- by email to the National Administrator, KMEIA Inc at OR
- by post to National Administrator, KMEIA Inc, 159 Macdonald Drive, Narangba QLD 4504
The PROXY FORM, for those unable to attend, can be downloaded HERE
Proxy forms must be submitted by Wednesday 5 March
- by email to the National Administrator, KMEIA Inc at OR
- by post to National Administrator, KMEIA Inc, 159 Macdonald Drive, Narangba QLD 4504
Note: All currently financial members of KMEIA Inc (Ordinary Members, Associate Members and Honorary Life Members), are entitled to propose, second and accept nomination for positions on Council
However, voting in the AGM, including on the election of nominees, including those from the floor of the meeting, must be from those currently entitled to vote. All currently financial Ordinary Members and Honorary Life Members are entitled to vote. The constitution does not permit Associate Members (eg student, concession, corporate and family members) to vote.
The CONSTITUTION is available HERE
Clauses 15-25 refer to the national Council
ACTION for BRANCH PRESIDENTS – please advise the National Administrator
Branch Presidents or their nominees are ex officio members of the Council.
Branch Presidents are asked to advise the National Administrator
- whether they will take up their Branch position on the National Council; and if not,
- the name of their nominee – who must be a member of the Branch Committee.
The 2014 -2015 national COUNCIL will meet on 14 March for one hour immediately after the AGM. Branch Presidents and Nominees for election to Council will need to be available at this time.
Sue Beech
National Administrator of KMEIA Inc
24 February 2014
Kodaly Music Education Institute of Australia Inc.