Deb Brydon and Debbie O’Shea
Nominated by Alisen McLeod
2024 Award Recipient for Excellence in Australian Kodály-inspired Music Education: Innovation

This is a joint nomination for Deb Brydon & Debbie O’Shea. Although this may not be the normal practice, they have worked together on this project and many others and so this is appropriate. The innovation they are nominated for is the Together Sing project, which they initiated, and created with Kodály Qld as the organising partner.
The Project: Together Sing.
Together Sing is a culminating week-long event during Mental Health Week, in which schools and community groups across Australia and around the world sing a specifically composed song. A digital package including lyrics, audio files, scores and other educational support material developed by our partners are available to schools and community groups free of charge.
Together Sing raises awareness of the value of singing together and provides an opportunity to advocate for Music Education. The culminating events involve children (primarily) singing a song together, experiencing these positive benefits.
As part of the project, support materials are provided to participants which outline the importance of the role that group singing plays and the cognitive, social and emotional benefits of not only singing together but also of music education in schools. Around 150 000 singers participate annually with groups from every state in Australia and also some overseas.
Criteria 1: Deb & Debbie have both demonstrated personal teaching and musical excellence over many years. They were both recently accredited as Highly Accomplished Teachers by AITSL in recognition of their teaching excellence. They are both life-long learners, who constantly strive to improve their teaching practice and musicianship skills.
Criteria 2: Deb & Debbie have both demonstrated a huge contribution to Australian Kodály-inspired music education and the Kodály Australia community. They are both Honorary Life Members and have served for many years (both over 20 years) on the Kodaly Qld committee as well as the Kodaly Australia Committee. They have both spent time in many executive roles, including president. They are regular presenters at workshops and have both been involved in writing and being filmed for Kodaly Qlds resource projects. Their work on Together Sing promotes singing and also the Kodaly association.
Criteria 3: Deb & Debbie’s work has had an immense impact on Australian Kodály-inspired music education and the Kodály Australia community. The Together Sing Project alone has reached hundreds of thousands of singers and over 500 teachers/choral conductors each year. The message from Kodaly Qld about the importance of singing together has been widely felt.
The Together Sing Project has also brought together around 25 partnering organisations. This collegial connection and networking is invaluable for the Kodaly Australia community as we join together with other associations, businesses and individuals to promote singing together and music for all.
Criteria 4: Deb and Debbie’s innovative, collaborative, collegial way of working has positioned them as a models and mentors for others. They have worked together and involved many partners to bring about a great project. By involving others they have been able to model their ways of working and mentor others. Their innovation, determination, hours of work and the practical demonstration of their passion are to be admired.
Awards for Excellence
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