

Australian Kodály Certificate in Music Education Curriculum 2015 v1.5 (implemented from 2025)

Australian Kodály Certificate in Music Education Curriculum 2019 v1.4 (implemented from 2020)

The curriculum for the Australian Kodály Certificate has been modelled on outstanding international Kodály programs and adapted to suit the needs of Australian educators. It is comprehensive, rigorous and involves a mixture of both hands-on (practical) and lecture style tuition. Peer education is an important part of the training and the course is delivered by experienced and accredited lecturers who are working teachers and expert in their specific field of Kodály study. The curriculum for the course sets out a minimum of 180 contacts hours of study across the following areas:

Musicianship in this course includes the study of sight-singing, score reading, aural perception, musical dictation and analysis using the tools of the Kodály approach (tonic sol-fa, rhythm syllables and Curwen hand signs).

Pedagogy involves the application of Kodály’s principles to the development of classroom and studio teaching programs that are suitable for Australian children. It includes the study of: Curriculum development, Practicum, Sequencing learning, Lesson planning and assessment. Candidates will choose to specialise in one of four streams: Early Childhood Classroom, Primary Classroom, Secondary Classroom or Colour Strings.

Practicum is the practical application of teaching strategies covered in Pedagogy.

Materials involves learning, collecting and analysing the folk music of Australia and other nations to determine its suitability for pedagogical processes outlined in methodology and its ability to support a developmental music program.

Conducting is the study of choral conducting, rehearsal strategies and voice production.

Ensemble is the participation in and development of group music making knowledge, skills and understanding and experience of ensemble repertoire.

Course Objectives

The Australian Kodály Certificate curriculum is framed by the following overarching objectives:

1. An understanding of Kodály philosophy and its application in contemporary learning contexts (covered in all modules of the curriculum)
2. Strong personal musicianship based in the ability to think in sound (Musicianship)
3. Musical leadership and direction in group settings (Pedagogy, Practicum and Conducting)
4. Professional knowledge to design, plan and assess Kodály-inspired pedagogy (Pedagogy, Materials, Practicum and Conducting)
5. Professional practice skills to implement and reflect on Kodály-inspired pedagogy (covered in all modules of the curriculum)
6. An understanding of fostering cultural heritage and traditions through and in music (Materials, Pedagogy)
7. An enhanced engagement in individual and group music making (Musicianship, Ensemble)

For further detailed information, please refer to the curriculum document.

Australian Kodály Certificate

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