Article Index
The index below lists all academic articles published by KMEIA. The publication title has varied over time.
Publication | Volume / Issue | Year | Author | Article title |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Nemesszeghy, M | The Development and Current Situation of Singing Schools in Hungary |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Ban, L | Some Thoughts About the Repertoire of the Kodaly method in Australia |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Gordon, J | My Uncle Jehosaphat |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Sr Byrne, A | Hungarian Music: some Impressions |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Colman, C | Kodaly in the Teachers’ College |
KESA | Vol 1 No 1 | July 1974 | Mitchell, E | Hungary |
KESA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1975 | Bodalai, Z | The Origins of Hungarian Folk Music |
KESA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1975 | Burge, B | The Kodaly Method: Making a Start |
KESA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1975 | Kokas, K | The Transfer Effect of the Kodaly Method of Music Education |
KESA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1975 | Kokas, K | Psychological Tests in Connection with Music Education in Hungar |
KESA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1975 | Kokas, K | Music, Dramatization and Art Work in a Children’s Home |
KESA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1976 | Rohl, P | Northmeads Infants School Music Education Research |
KESA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1976 | Szabo, H | The Use of Improvisation in Children’s Music Development |
KESA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1976 | Ittzes, M | Zoltan Kodaly’s Singing Exercises |
KEIA | Vol 1 No 1 | 1976 | Herbert, G | Implications of the Kodaly Music Research for Early Childhood Education |
KEIA | Vol 1 No 1 | 1976 | Hammond, M | Report of Study Tour to Suzuki Talent Education Institute, Matsumoto |
KEIA | Vol 1 No 1 | 1976 | Eosze, L | Ways to Kodaly |
KEIA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1977 | Wilkins, S | Music Education and Cumulative Sequential Learning |
KEIA | Vol 2 No 1 | 1977 | Herlot, J | Kodaly at Strathcona School |
KEIA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1978 | Youngson, W.H.A | Our children’s educational future |
KEIA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1978 | Ban, L | In Search of the Australian Kodaly |
KEIA | Vol 3 No 1 | 1978 | Nickson, Noel | Music Education in Hungary |
KEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1979 | Colman, C | Leoline Consort |
KEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1979 | Herbert, G | The role of the Arts in Primary Education |
KEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1979 | Szilvay, G | The Kodaly Method applied to the Teaching of String Instruments |
KEIA | Vol 5 No 1 | 1980 | Bridges, D | Outcomes of a Developmental Music Program |
KEIA | Vol 5 No 1 | 1980 | Caylor, F | Music for our Children’s Children (part 1) |
KEIA | Vol 5 No 1 | 1980 | Walker, M | The Soul of a Nation |
BKEIA | Vol 1 No 1 | 1981 | Caylor, F | Music for our Children’s Children (part 2) |
BKEIA | Vol 1 No 1 | 1981 | Ellis, V | A View of Music Education in Nova Scotia |
BKEIA | Vol 2 No1 | 1982 | Bridges, D | Developmental Music Education |
BKEIA | Vol 2 No1 | 1982 | Bridges, D | Fixed and Moveable DUH in Historical Perspective |
BKEIA | Vol 2 No1 | 1982 | Emmanuel, G | Music without tears |
BKEIA | Vol 3 No1 | 1983 | Hoermann, D & Herbert, G.F | Music Gives a Fine Edge to Learning |
BKEIA | Vol 3 No1 | 1983 | Stephens, J | Roles in In-Service Education |
BKEIA | Vol 3 No1 | 1983 | Mahon, E | A Two-Day In-Service Course |
BKEIA | Vol 3 No1 | 1983 | Fournier, Leo | Music: Man’s Instrument for Self-Creation |
BKEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1984 | Young, P | Keynote Address |
BKEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1984 | Robinson, K | Drama & the Arts in Education |
BKEIA | Vol 4 No 1 | 1984 | McClean, S | After School Music Classes for Children |
BKEIA | Vol 5 No 1 | 1985 | Comte, M | Let’s Put Arts Education into Perspective |
BKEIA | Vol 5 No 1 | 1985 | Wood, R | Developmental Music Program at Miles Franklin School |
KMEIAB | 1987 | Eosze, L | Ways to Kodaly | |
KMEIAB | 1988 | Hoermann, D | Revision of a Developmental Music Program | |
KMEIAB | 1988 | Hein, M | Kodaly Music Education | |
KMEIAB | 1988 | Johnson, J | Australian Folk Music in the Classroom | |
KMEIAB | 1988 | McLaughlin, H | Using “Catch a little song” | |
KMEIAB | 1989 | O’Leary, M | Teaching Musical Instruments toYoung Children in a Kodaly Context | |
KMEIAB | 1989 | Beaton, P | Importance of a Music Program in an International School | |
KMEIAB | 1989 | O’Leary, M | Children’s Choirs, a World View | |
KMEIAB | 1989 | Harrison, Ian | Eight Weeks Abroad | |
KMEIAB | 1989 | Yemm, J | Summer School without a suntan | |
KMEIAB | 1990 | Bridges, D | “0-9”: A lost Opportunity | |
KMEIAB | 1990 | O’Leary, M | Outstanding Children’s Choirs A world View | |
KMEIAB | 1990 | Letts, R | Some Thoughts From Richard Letts | |
KMEIAB | 1990 | Beaton, P | Bilingual Action Songs and Games | |
KMEIAB | 1991 | Hoermann, D | Educational Change and the Music Teacher | |
KMEIAB | 1991 | Hoermann, D & Bridges, D | A Developmental Music Program | |
KMEIAB | 1991 | Bateman, L | Zoltan Kodaly and his Compositions for Children’s Choruses | |
KMEIAB | 1991 | De Greeve | Three Movements on an Australian folksong | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Hustable, K | The Clever Country and Music | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Johnson, J | Sister Mary Alice Hein | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Johnson, J | An Australian in Oakland | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Sexton, T | Youth Choirs – A Natural Approach | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Forrai, K | My Latest Australian Experiences | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Reynolds, M | Music – A Therapeutic/Educative Agent | |
KMEIAB | 1992 | Heriot, J | A Lifetime of Experience | |
KMEIAB | 1993 | Bateman, L | An Interview with Dr Mary Goetze | |
KMEIAB | 1993 | Laver, D | Perceived Roles of Music in our Culture | |
KMEIAB | 1993 | York, F | Towards a Kodaly Curriculum for Torres Strait Islanders | |
KMEIAB | 1994 | Hogg, N | Using Music and Music Education to Achieve Wholeness | |
KMEIAB | 1994 | Bacon, D | Kodaly’s Philosophy of Education | |
KMEIAB | 1994 | Miklos, B | Pre-Polyphonic Development in Children Aged Three to Six Years | |
KMEIAB | 1994 | Lloyd, J | Perceptions of the Role of Culture in our Society | |
KMEIAB | 1995 | O’Leary, M | Opportunities for Kodaly Study in Australia | |
KMEIAB | 1995 | Bresciani, D | Music: An area of learning which is ‘Something Else’ | |
KMEIAB | 1995 | Manins, S | Music Stories for Young Children | |
KMEIAB | 1995 | Johnson, J | Sound Learning’ | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | McPherson, G | CRISIS: The Serious Situation of Music Education in Australian Schools | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Bridges, D | Kodaly’s Principles in Practice: | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Chiel, D | The Contribution of John Curran | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Bell, J | The Blind Child in the Music Classroom | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Heriot, J | The Primary Choir in the Life of the School | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | O’Leary, M | Australian Choral Music for Young Singers | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Dorricot, I | Kodaly on the Internet : 1 | |
KMEIAB | 1996 | Sargeant, M | Kodaly on the Internet : 2 | |
KMEIAB | 1997 | Bateman, L | Katalin Forrai: An Interview | |
KMEIAB | 1997 | Harrison, Ian | Kodaly and the Piano Teacher | |
KMEIAB | 1997 | Smith, R | The Children’s Choir | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Hoerman, D | The Introduction of the Kodaly Method in Australia | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Bridges, D | Kodaly in New South Wales 1973-1988: Some Random Memories | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Bingham, L | The Canberra Story | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Burton, P | Queensland: In the Beginning | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Emery-Reece, G | The First Decade in Queensland | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Herlot, J et al | Victoria’s Beginnings | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Lange, M | KMEIA in South Australia-Its Early History | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Various | Reports From “The Pilot Project” | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Harrison, Ian | Kodaly: An Incredible Event | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Godfrey, G | Music for Children | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Johnson, J | Accreditation in Australia: A Continuing Process | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Bennett, J | I Remember | |
KMEIAB | 1998 | Jones, N | Kodaly 25 Years On. | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Roulston, K | The emotional labour of music teaching in the primary school | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | York, F | Cultural Identity and the Kodaly Philosophy | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | West, S & Clarke,P | The Music Education Programme at Ainslie School | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Whiteman, P | The Great Divide: the research landscape in music education | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Emery-Reece, G | Interview with Lilla Gabor | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Kazimierczak, P | Can I Play That Again: Making Music Live for a Young Child | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Pagano, L | Book Review-Music in Preschool | |
KMEIAB | 1999 | Mackay, L | Music Education in Queensland Schools: The Dawn of a New Millennium | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Wicks, D | Book Review-The Kodaly Method | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Dodszay, L | The World of Sound: An Introduction to the Literature of Music | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Harrigan, A | Hear the Children Sing | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Johnson, J | Some Thoughts on Music Education | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Bolkovac, E | Choir Warm Ups | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Godfrey, G | do-re-mi Kodaly Music for Children | |
KMEIAB | 2000 | Whiteman, P | The metamorphis of preschoolers’ spontaneous singing | |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Kodaly, Zoltan | The Role of the authentic folksong in music education |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Bartok, B (Junior) | Kodaly as I knew him |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Dille, D | Souvenirs de Zoltan Kodaly |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ringer, A | Vir Justus in Musica |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Szonyi, E | Zoltan Kodaly – Face to face |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ittzes, M | A Centenary tribute to Jeno Adam |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Lukin, L | In Memory of Lajos Bardos |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ittzes, M | Double anniversary of Marta Nemesszeghy |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Hein, M | The legacy of Zoltan Kodaly: an oral history perspective |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Eosze, L | Zoltan Kodaly’s timeliness |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ittzes, M | East meets West in Kodaly’s Oeuvre : Multicutural ideas in his writings and musical works |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ujfalussy, J | Kodaly and Debussy |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Young, P | Kodaly and the British Choral Tradition |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Szabo, M | Problems of interpretation in Kodaly’s choral music |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Vikar, L | Kodaly, the musicologist |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Tanimoto, K | Kodaly, the ethnomusicologist |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Kodaly, Zoltan | Music in the nursery school (Radio speech, 1941) |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | De Greeve, G | The human value of the Kodaly philosophy |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Herboly-Kocsar, I | The Kodaly concept and 20th century music |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Solomon, B | Constant values in the changing world of education: the significance of Kodaly’s philosophy |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Ribiere-Raverlat, J | Progression pedagogique en passant par les chansons populaires francais et les auditions d’oeuvres |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Favreau, S | Une analyse pour fin pedagogique de chanson canadienne-francaises telles que collectionnees par Marius Barbeau |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Forrai, K | Kodaly and the children |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Bacon, D | Kodaly music for learning disabled children |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Choksy, L | Teacher training and re-training via Kodaly Principles : a study in effective university-community cooperation |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Patterson, A | Towards an expanded Musical literacy: Music history and the Kodaly inspired teacher |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Chailley, J | La solmisation Kodaly, revelateur des problemes de hauter absolue et de hauteur relative dans les pays latins |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Garo, E | Le son, le nom et le signe, une distinction utile a la pratique de le solmisation kodalyenne dan les paus latins |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Sinor, J | The ideas of Kodaly ibn America |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Hoermann, D & Herbert, G | The adaptaion of the Kodaly philosophy in Australia: Music gives a fine edge to learning |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Vajda, C | Kodaly and British education |
KMEIAB | Jubilee Edition | 2000 | Kaljuste, H | A brief survey of the application of the principles of Kodaly method in schools in the Estonian SSR, USSR |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Roulston, K | Teaching Music in the primary school | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Edwards, M | The Music Rehearsal as a Conserving Activity | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Mackay, L | Kodaly’s pathway to the what, how, when of knowing music | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Lane, G | The Educative Value of Music: A Communicational Backlash | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Cuskelly, J | A Vision for Music Education | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Vinden, D | Two-part Hearing Development | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Kitson, K | Play it by ear | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Cuskelly, J | Day of Excellence | |
KMEIAB | 2001 | Sennyey, C | The Kodaly Method in Post-Communist Hungary: A Decade of Change | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Wicks, D | Finding the balance: rethinking music education philosophy | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Cuskelly, J | Meaning and Music: Mind and Heart | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Mackay, L | Repitition, practice and rehearsal in the classroon: what are you thinking of? | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Roulston, K | Revisiting Kodaly’s writings on early childhood music education | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Hoermann, D | 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Zoltan Kodaly | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | McLaughlin, H | A Major Scale of Children: My Initial Spark | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Allen, J | A Visit to Canada: the Kodaly Society in Nova Scotia | |
KMEIAB | 2002-2003 | Harrigan, A | Book Review: Listening to Art Music [Judith Johnson] | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Weightman, C | The Eternal harmony of the Universe: Reflections on Music, Maths and Science | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Ralph, B | Modern Recorder Music, Techniques and Classroom Applications | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Godfrey, G | Sharing the do-re-mi Experience with Adolescents Mothers | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Colwill, J | To Read or Not to Read? That is the Question | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Dixon, K | Physical Tools needed for Playing a Musical Instrument | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | O’Reagan, A | Review: Music is for Everyone [Debbie O’Shea] | |
KMEIAB | 2003-2004 | Barr, B | Review: Animal Sounds [Gail Godfrey] | |
AKB | 2005 | Part A | The Writings of Katalin Forrai | |
AKB | 2005 | Part B | Reflections on Katalin Forrai | |
AKB | 2006 | Harrison, S | Engaging boys is a sequential voice-based music programme | |
AKB | 2006 | Bridges, D | Aural training in the early 20th century: Recollections/influences in S.Australia | |
AKB | 2006 | Young, A | Classroom strategies for changing voice boys | |
AKB | 2006 | Forrai, K | The influence of music on the development of young children between 6 & 40 months | |
AKB | 2006 | King, A | Reflections on a Hungarian Pilgrimage | |
AKB | 2006 | Slade, A | Leaving the Page: Strengthening the use of improvisation in Kodaly-based programme | |
AKB | 2006 | Johnson, J | Music: the tie that binds | |
AKB | 2006 | Mead, H | A place called “Ether-land” | |
AKB | 2007 | Fromyhr, J | Music as a focus for community engagement | |
AKB | 2007 | Wicks, D | Modern vocal pedagogy: implications for educators who employ Kodaly concept | |
AKB | 2007 | McGarry, S | The voice within: Audiation and inner hearing in the 21st century | |
AKB | 2007 | Carroll, A | Katalin Forraai inspiring teachers in Australia | |
AKB | 2007 | Epstein, M | Music pedagogy tour to Budapest | |
AKB | 2007 | Carroll, A & Godfrey, GC | Connecting to Hungary | |
AKB | 2007 | Jensen, L et al | Local professional development in North Queensland | |
AKB | 2007 | Comisky, A | A taste of American Kodaly | |
AKB | 2007 | Godfrey, G | Why teachers and families love the do-re-mi experience | |
AKB | 2007 | Spearitt, G | More than a musician: A life of E. Harold Davies | |
AKB | 2008 | Jaccard, J-L | The Kodaly Un-Method of Musical Education | |
AKB | 2008 | Bemstorf, E | Music and Language: Sound Features of Teaching Literacy | |
AKB | 2008 | MacKinlay, E | Where did her song go? | |
AKB | 2008 | Wicks, D | Music Education and Meaning Use of Technology | |
AKB | 2008 | Figliano, S | Maximising Individual and Ensemble Outcomes | |
AKB | 2008 | Pitcher, E | Mastering Musicianship: An Integrated Approach to String Pedagogy | |
AKB | 2008 | Pye, S | Music and Memory | |
AKB | 2008 | Gresinger, R | Investigating Musicality and its Implication for Teaching | |
AKB | 2008 | Klein, K | Use of Music in Occupational Theory Practice | |
AKB | 2008 | Kicsi, C | Expectant Mothers Programme | |
AKB | 2008 | Hartwig, K | Review of Piano Play by John Colwill | |
AKJ | 2009 | Scott, S | Integrating inquiry-based [constuctivist] music education with Kodaly- inspired learning | |
AKJ | 2009 | Jaccard, J-L | Gardening 101: Advice from a tree and other musicians | |
AKJ | 2009 | Johnson, J | Bloom with Music | |
AKJ | 2009 | Cuskelly, J | Music education: rigour and higher order thinking | |
AKJ | 2009 | MacKinlay, E | Songs she sang to me: The centrality of music to the lives of mothers and their children | |
AKJ | 2009 | Rafferty, C | Choral music in community settings for children with unchanged voices | |
AKJ | 2009 | Banney, D & Logan, J | Choir and Strings: A magical musicc experience in early childhood | |
AKJ | 2009 | Comisky, A | From solfa to stage: Developing music literacy skills for older beginners | |
AKJ | 2010 | Stevens, R | “Where do you think we come from?” The origins and foundations of the Kodaly approach | |
AKJ | 2010 | Harrison, S | Music teachers: Who are they anyway? | |
AKJ | 2010 | Weightman, C | The spirituality of Zoltan Kodaly | |
AKJ | 2010 | Dias-Jayasinha, R | Reflections of a choral conductor | |
AKJ | 2010 | King, A | Australian Choral Music for Young Singers | |
AKJ | 2010 | Tysoe, Y | The importance of music in education: The critical difference | |
AKJ | 2010 | Bridges, D | Outcomes of a Developmental Music Program | |
AKJ | 2010 | Sr Hein, M | Zoltan Kodaly as educator: The effect of the Kodaly pedagogy on teacher and student | |
AKJ | 2011 | De Greeve, G | 1975 – 2010: 35 years of the International Kodaly Society | |
AKJ | 2011 | Hoermann, D | Australian involvement in the founding of the International Kodaly Society | |
AKJ | 2011 | Hartwig, K | Sing Sing Sing: Vocal sustainability for professional voice users | |
AKJ | 2011 | MacKinlay, E | A pedagogy of heart whichbeats to the rhythm of relationships | |
AKJ | 2011 | Cuskelly, J | A case study using Kodaly principles in a language immersion setting | |
AKJ | 2011 | Bymes, G | Kodaly and Bartok connections with Celtic music: A brief exploratory survey | |
AKJ | 2011 | Hao-Chun Lee, A | Kodaly method: Choksy and Cheng compared | |
AKJ | 2011 | Bridges, D | Kodaly’s principles in practice: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | |
AKJ | 2011 | Moll, Betsy | Erzsebet Szonyi: A Living Legend | |
AKJ | 2011 | Stevens, R | Unfinished Business: The Music Education Advisory Group | |
AKJ | 2012 | Laird, T | Introduction | |
AKJ | 2012 | Curry, R | The ‘Junior Vocal Stream’ at the Conservatorium High School | |
AKJ | 2012 | Johnson, J | Singing in a New Land | |
AKJ | 2012 | Hays, T | Preparing the Next Generation of Professional Musicians | |
AKJ | 2012 | Cuskelly, J | The Importance of Folk Materials: The “Little Story” and the “Big Story” | |
AKJ | 2012 | MacKinlay, E | Yi Lull | |
AKJ | 2012 | Young, A | The Adolescent Male Changing Voice: Physiological, Psychological and Practical Considerations for Classroom Music Teachers |
Australian Kodály Journal
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